воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

Brilliant Yoga Ebook

Brilliant Yoga Ebook

If you want to be healthy and develop your overall flexibility, then you should check out the Brilliant Yoga Ebook. Jam-packed with advanced and all-natural techniques, it has been proven to have helped thousands of people around the world in easing back problems, aching joints, poor balance, stress, and fatigue.
Yoga is one of India’s best kept secrets and this revolutionary package is based on an ancient practice done thousands of years ago. Over time, it has been proven to naturally enhance your health without the toxic side effects of modern medicine.
With the help of the Brilliant Yoga Ebook, you’ll immediately feel and see the difference. Imagine having a smaller tummy, a great posture, a lower amount of daily stress and a general sense of inner peace. You really couldn’t ask for more!
The Brilliant Yoga Ebook is truly an all-in-one solution. The whole package comes with free materials that will make it easier for you to achieve your goal in terms of being healthy.
For just $37, you can get the whole package that contains the Brilliant Yoga Ebook and bonus materials such as “How to Stop Back Pain”, “The Essential Guide to Pilates” and “Stretching & Calisthenics Made Easy”. All of these amazing reads are designed for those who want immediate, life-changing results.
Unlike other yoga books out there, the Brilliant Yoga was developed by a team of experts and yoga teachers. That’s why you can be sure to get the most accurate and up-to-date information.
One of the most amazing things about Brilliant Yoga is their exceptional after sales support. Their customer service team is composed of very efficient and highly reliable personnel who are ready to help you out.
Brilliant Yoga guarantees your satisfaction with every purchase. Truly, there is nothing quite like it and you should really see it for yourself.

Astanga Yoga

Astanga Yoga

What is Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga Yoga comes from the ancient text titled Yoga Korunta by Vamana Rishi. These teachings were passed on to Sri T. Krishmacharya in the 1900’s by his teacher Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari. Krishmacharya then passed the teachings on to Pattabhi Jois around 1927.
Though somewhat light on meditation, Ashtanga is fast moving and intense, proving to be one of the more physically demanding forms of Yoga. The poses are a set sequence of Asanas, which are synchronized with the breath and always performed in the same order. Students move in a quick, yet natural flow, through a combination of sun salutation poses. These include a standing forward bend, upward dog, downward dog, and other poses such as; standing, seated, backbends, inversions, balancing and twisting poses. The result is continual movement which can improve stamina, strength and flexibility. Ashtanga Yoga was the inspiration for Power Yoga which, though based on the flowing style of Ashtanga, typically does not strictly adhere to the set series of poses.
Ashtanga has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly among athletes, and it is a good choice for anyone who is in reasonably good physical condition.

The 3 main focuses of Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Pattabhi Jois are:
  1. Vinyasa: The flow of breath and movement; each movement must include one breath. Standing up involves one breath (inhalation), bending forward involves another breath (exhalation) and so on. Vinyasa has many benefits such as producing an internal cleansing by creating heat which removes toxins and thins the blood for freer circulation throughout the body. The practice of Vinyasa brings the focus inward.
  1. Tristhana: The three points of focus are breath pattern, dhristi, and posture.
    1. Breath pattern. Inhalation and exhalation should be equal in length. The locks mula bhanda and uddiyana bhanda should be used. Breathing purifies the nervous system.
    2. Dhristi. There are nine dhristi are places where you focus the gaze. These include the nose, brow point, navel, thumb, hands, and feet. You also gaze upward, to the right and to the left.
    3. Posture. This is done through the practice of asanas to strengthen and purify the body.
  1. The six poisons: The Yoga Shastra claims that God lives in our hearts as light, but it is covered by these poisons. Through discipline and much practice, you can create heat which will burn them. The six poisons are as follows:
    1. Karma (desire)
    2. Krodha (anger)
    3. Moha (delusion)
    4. Lobha (greed)
    5. Matsarya (envy)
    6. Mada  (sloth)
Astanga Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Astanga Yoga

Welcome to my astanga yoga blog. Here you will learn about astanga yoga and how to get the most out of the astanga yoga postures.